Friday, October 30, 2009

Halloween Notice...

I've heard it said that Halloween is just a chance for girls to dress like sluts.

That may be true, but if it is, then I have two questions...

1. Why does this not happen in my neighborhood?

2. If it does, would you mind stopping by the Koda house to trick-or-treat tomorrow night?

Comment with a link to a picture of your costume, or email me at THE_WEB_MASTER at with a picture, and if it's appropriate, I'll make sure you have my address.


  1. Sorry... It is a custom for all the busty Elvira-lookin' chickies to be entertained at Brother Grégoire's house.

  2. It's not just girls that dress slutty anymore.

    This year I was a slutty werewolf.

  3. Matsby... Pictures or it didn't happen!!

  4. Frankly, I think women should be able to dress however they feel comfortable without being labeled 'sluts' because they're not afraid of the sexuality. But that's just my opinion.

    Maybe next Halloween I should wear a burka, just to shake things up. lol

  5. I think perhaps the term 'slut' is applied to the freedom loving young ladies, by men who are worried that they're going to get caught taking a peek by their wives... First time I got caught, Mrs. Koda about busted a gut laughing at me!

    The way I see it, if a lady (or a fine gentlemanly specimen like Mr. Matsby) wants to show off a little skin... More power to them. They obviously feel they have something to share, and who am I to deny them that right. In fact I fully support it and will likely engage in a little of it myself next year!!
