Wednesday, February 18, 2009

It's about bloody time!!


  1. :) I know several people I'd like to slip that wee drug to!

  2. I remember living in Utah, where I could daily hear the high, forced, tedious cackle which I came to term the 'Mormon Mating Call'. It's a completely phony attempt at laughter, designed to impress everyone within earshot of the callers purported happiness (and, by default, unwickedness).

    It didn't fool me.

  3. Yep! And probably no shock to you either that Utah has the highest percentage of the population hooked on Prozac and similar anti-depressant drugs...

  4. Actually UK, that does shock, I always thought the genuinely religious were actually quite happy.

  5. I think the key word there may be "genuine". The problem with many in Utah - at least as I see it - Is that they have been raised in a blend of a religion and culture surrounding it. As such, many feel that they aren't meeting the expectations of their neighbors and friends, and it becomes a 'keeping up with the Joneses' type situation, except it's a race to get to heaven (And then many see wealth as a sign of blessings from God for being uber righteous, so you can factor that in as well.)

    We also have huge meth problems, and I suspect that comes from many mothers who are trying to be the perfect moms, and just can't do it without stimulants.

    That all said there are a lot very good, and very genuine people in Utah, and many are truly happy with their lives.
