Thursday, August 07, 2008

Things I'd rather not think about...

I've touched before on the practice of taking care of #2 at work. Just as a refresher, I prefer not to, and I assume neither do most other normal people. We'll exclude those who proudly stride into the restrooms with the newspaper under one arm.

There are times however when you just have to take care of things. Now when you take care of things, you kind of shut out the idea of how many other people have been there before you, however...

Nothing is more disconcerting that passing a co-worker as you enter the restroom, and then settling down onto the seat and realizing it's nice and warm. I mean I know I'm not the only person that uses the restroom, but I'd just rather not think about it...

Does this make me a freak?


  1. Well, I walked into the bathroom the other day and walked right out again. I have no issues about no.2 or other people doing no. 2 or what have you, but sometimes no. 2 smells like the person ate a corpse, the corpse rotted some more in their intestinal tract, and then came out the other end. It's really disturbing. I'm all, eat a vegetable and stop eating that frozen packaged shit, already, can't you see you're rotting from the inside??

    I'm not saying my shit don't stink, but the odor when you don't eat well is quite shocking.


  2. My intention was to add a somewhat humorous post after getting a little too serious for the last few weeks...

    Your corpse description was absolutely hilarious though - way to out-humor me!

  3. I am in full agreeance with you, Urban. Also, if I do have to go, I can only enter the stall if there is noone else there to see me do so. And if someone comes in while I am finishing up, I have to wait for them to leave before I can come out.

    Also the other day I went into the restroom and did a #1. And there was a guy in the stall who finished up his business and he was starting to come out. I had to run out with wet hands because I did not want to face him.

  4. Now the question is... Are we the exception or the rule?

    Best experience of the day so far...

    Go to the restroom for #1. Guy at the urinal next to me is on his cell phone. The volume is turned way up. I can hear it ringing...

    Phone Guy (the person Urinal Guy is calling) answers, greetings are exchanged...

    Phone Guy say, Gee it sounds like you're in a concert hall.

    Urinal Guy ignores the questions and asks about some work related thing.

    He pauses....


    Running water for hands...

    My only regret was that they don't have the air blowing dryers.

    Why make a call from the restroom? Seriously!


  5. I once sat down without looking and the seat wasn't just warm - it was wet. Words do not exist that describe how I felt right at that moment.

  6. Well, if it helps I feel better about my little situation now...

    Sorry Mouse!!
